Oh my GOD, pretty princess is about the most annoying gaurdian ever. Anyway, I think Louis is smarter than he lets on, I'll have to be careful around him, he offered to let me drink from him, but then upon more information I find out that it is NOT good to drink from other vamps, well, good in a naughty sense but not in the keeping-your-sanity sense. Now why would Callidus Louis ('clever' for all you idiots) want to let me do that? Wicked wicked boy. PP is still simpering about the Prince being mad at her, I could barf every time she talks about it. However, a fascinating development is the arrival of Signoro Nicolo, its too bad he'll only be here for a day. Who knew that he's also apart of the crackbox Lancea Sanctum lunatics, I would never have guessed. I think this is what normal people call swooning. I am going feeding with him, and he said I can try drinking from him since he will be leaving, actually, I mentioned it and he proceeded to call me mischevious. God. I get all flustered when he calls me mischevious, I need a sedative. As for progress on my item I think I am going to ask Louis if his computers are powerful enough to break codes, this is dangerous as he is terribly smart, I will have to be very very careful and dole out only small portions for him to figure out, lest something get slipped that I dont want to. I am also now jonesing for a Ghoul. Apparently they are a walking supermarket that worships the ground on which you walk, sounds like my kind of guy *beam!*.