Vampire: The Requiem, New Orleans
A journal of four individuals' mis-adventures in New Orleans
and how their lives became forever entangled one regretful night.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Microsoft Outlook Schedule Entry: 5-13-09

-Meeting with the boys
*I really need to play this one up, I need them on board, this could be big!*
*He has already shown his worth and devotion, it is time for the
next step if he is ready*
-Schedule meeting with Jose
*His links could be invaluable, If I get this right it'll all
come true*
-Pick up sparkly
*I'll catch hell from the coin...but I know she will go for
it, Shes going to love this!*
-Check in on the foreigner
*He could be of use if the time was right*
-Keep an eye on the new one
*Her motives are flowered, something is not quite
right. I see right through that naive cloak of bullshit, its no coincidence that she fell into our lap's. However, if all goes well she could be quite useful*
-Place a withdrawal at the bank
*it is still not clear what happened, but im pretty sure this qualifies*
-Look into feeding the beast
*The potential benefits there may outweigh the risks, I may
have to sit on this one*
-Check in on Tina
*She sure has been breathing heavily recently, hopefully this sleep will leave her rejuvenated. I hope everything works out.*
(Encrypt Code: hrref=sourcecode/encryption.shtml"target="_top">)
(Louis Maddox: Save File: 1:06 AM; 05-13-09)

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