Track down your sires they said...done.
Kill that Lucas bastard...done.
Keep your noses clean, stay out of trouble...done...ish.
And the most important:
Make lives for yourselves, play, drink and be merry...Absolutely!
I have to be honest though, I do miss our early days a bit. Back before Becky drank the Kool-Aid and Tina just drank a bit too much. You know...when the coterie came first, or atleast some of us thought it did.
Tina, hun, I love you babe, but you have to get this blood shit under control. You have so much potential, I dont want to see it wasted like this.
Becky,I know we hav'nt always seen eye to eye, but Lancia Sanctum?...God?...fuck that, we will rule this world just fine on our own. Im not sure what you are planning to get from them, but I really do wish you the best with it.
Mr. Jack, *sigh* I can't remember how many times I sat at home, alone, wishing I had the incredible abilities that you have now. Of course, that was back during what I now call the "dark ages" of my pre-life, but still. A man with your talents could really go far, with a bit of creativity and a little ambition you could lay waste to this town. One day youll come around, I know it.
But lets get back to the positive. God damn life is good, is'nt it? Its too bad I had to go and die to realize how great it is, but who knew?!
All we need now is to lay out our plans, continue to build, and let the money and power roll on in. We have great prospects in our future, and I am really excited about where things are going. Things are going to be beautiful.

-Just remember, people with power are never eager to give it up. Be carefull who you trust.
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