After diablerizing my sire, life began to change for me. At that point, I'd dabble in the dangerous game of enjoying vitae more than I should, and consuming Luca's worthless soul put me over the edge. Almost to the point of no return. I was only one step away from completely losing myself to addiction.
I began to obsess about vitae. It wasn't running my life, but it was certainly changing my life and altering my relations with my coterie. Things we should have been doing as a group, I could care less about. People I should have been respecting, I dangerously disrespected -- without a second thought to my safety or the well-being of my friends. I cared about Tina, but I couldn't work myself up to care much about anyone or anything else. Save my new liquid friend.
So as to what happened to our group in the past couple months, I can only give you brief snap shots here and there. If the rest of the coterie is interested, they'll provide more details on the entire adventure.
In a group effort to hunt down Sarah Cobbler -- the bitch who orchestrated this whole mess, we've come across various pieces of information and learned many valuable lessons:
• Werewolves are bad. Vampires are mostly ill-equipped to handle them.
• Becky Lynn is hopelessly in love with her sire, John Matheson, no matter what she tells you.
• Becky Lynn is hopelessly in love with Prince Vidal, no matter what she tells you.
• Becky Lynn is hopelessly in love with any piece of male ass that demonstrates power, can prove a six figure income, is at least a 6, but most importantly, tells her "no". The "no" thing is irresistible to her. Again, no matter what she tells you.
• The Illustrious Prince Vidal must sleep soon. Not sure where I heard that but I'm hoping and praying. Dreams can come true, can't they?
• Sarah Cobbler infected New Orleans with her very special N.O.S. virus. She's a crafty one. I've been trying to send her a gift basket with my compliments, but nobody can provide me with her address.
• Cheating the IRS with a fake, charitable organization is not only fun but profitable!
• The Lancea Sanctum like to ambush their guests and put them on the spot in order to strong-arm them into joining their little "Mickey Mouse" club. Not cool. Also, they don't like it when people stand up in the middle of their ceremonies and call them to the carpet.
• Making a thrall is not only easy, fun and profitable, it leads to great feeding and great sex.
• Jack is a megalomaniac who thinks he can save the world one hooker and gang banger at a time. Does that qualify as "Mekhet-y"?
• Louis will rule the world someday, but he's so damn sneaky about it, no one will see it coming. I don't like to be prejudiced, but he's about as Ventrue as they come.
• I didn't do it. It was like that when I got here, man.

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