Hey now.... Let's just take it easy on all this "credit where credit is due" stuff, Becky Lynn. I'd prefer to believe this was all your maniacal mind at work. Whooo boy! For as quiet as you were on that ride home, I couldn't have ever guessed all THAT happened in the span of the hour and half you were alone with that head-case. Has he really been following you around for years while you were human? While you were 17 and younger?? So that massively old, über creepoid was stalking an under aged girl? Nice. Not only a predator, but a pedophile.
Frankly, can we just keep my part of any of this debacle on the down-low? I'm starting to have daymares of this getting back to the Prince:
"Dateline, New Orleans; Kindred Tina Baker orchestrates unusual love affair between banished pedophile and the Prince's most beloved pet. When asked to comment, A. Vidal swore ultimate revenge on matchmaker."
Considering his trigger-finger for setting off blood hunts as of late, I'd prefer my name not show up at the top of Donnaven's list. If you can understand where I'm coming from. It might look bad on my Invictus Quarterly Review.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, my friend, but your night of reckoning may still be coming. When I told Alex I was sick with worry over you and this dangerous trip, I all but told him you were completely in love with Vidal. I thought I was helping; getting the truth out in the open so you two could move forward with it and handle it one way or the other. And Vidal "was" the one who called Pearl directly ordering us to escort you home. So I'm almost positive the Spaniard is going to expect to hear an explanation as to why his pet, who is supposedly devoted to him and has such strong feelings for him, would blatantly disregard his wishes and visit a Kindred he banished from his realm...
Might want to start thinking about excuses. The Invictus handbook for applicants has a very handy section on situations such as these. It's called "Cover Your Ass".
Let me know if you want me to accompany you. I do feel partially responsible for the hole you're in. But please, let's keep the fanfare on how I helped you figure all this out, down to a minimum.
Despite his incredible creepiness, I am somewhat happy you seem to have found a Kindred soul in Matheson. But be forewarned: I'll be looking to tempt you with someone else. IMO, he's just not good enough for you. But then, no one will ever be.

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