When I was given my Vitae fix before the Elysium, I instantly recognized the cloying, sickly-sweet smell of Becky Lynn Adler's blood lurking in the depths of the vessels Darius handed me. I confronted Pearl and demanded to know why, after we had agreed Becky Lynn's Theban magic and sticky Vitae would no longer be a part of my rehabilitation, but I was given no satisfactory answer. In fact, I was told to hold my tongue. I do so love Pearl, but I wish I understood why she makes these crazy decisions that seem to endanger us both. I guess I have to trust she is acting in our best interest. But it's very difficult to suppress my instincts to question and be suspicious... I must work harder at it though, because I know it makes her angry when I try to think for myself.
If I wasn't 99% sure Pearl would deny me all Vitae and force me to suffer withdrawals more agonizing than the final death, I would take matters into my own hands and destroy the two remaining vessels hidden below my cot. But the pathetic, honest truth is, I am afraid to displease her because I don't want to risk losing her love. That scares me almost more than suffering the withdrawals. So I am, again, neutered and forced to follow Pearl's wishes, without any force at all really. I'm so disgusted with myself.
The other "stellar" news I received was that Lou-cifer and Pearl, as suspected, "somehow" managed to talk through their irreconcilable differences (imagine that!) and are now best buds. Who could have predicted that? Oh, I don't know... maybe.. Me??????
Worse still, Lordling Louis has lowered himself to accept a position as applicant to the Invictus covenant, and Pearl has eagerly agreed to be his sponsor. Isn't that just delightful? I'll be serving tea and crumpets on the veranda tonight to celebrate this momentous occasion, so be sure not to miss it.
Of course, wouldn't you know it, as soon as the Heir Apparent was welcomed into our loving little home, Pearl assigned me my first "real" mission, but FORCED me to take Louis with me! As if kick-ass Tina couldn't handle a piddly little job like dragging Addler's sorry ass back from Matheson's house by myself. That was weak. I was pissed! And, of course he whined the entire trip. Did you expect anything else? I almost dumped him off on the interstate as an offering to the Lupine. He's pretty substantial, I bet he would have made a nice starter course for the Boys.
The only really good news was that I was able to escape my "honourable confinement" (read that term in a medieval book LOL) and got back so early in the morning Pearl suggested I stay over here with Peter. And my Nobel was delivered today (it totally ROCKS!). So, I'm brainstorming as we speak to figure out how I can stretch tonight into another night away from confinement...Maybe two or three? Who knows! I'll let you know how that goes.

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