Oh, what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive...
Just so we're clear – I know we left this whole thing a little rushed and weird last night. Basically, I didn't know what was up, but I knew "something" was up by the way you were acting after your little confession session with the Spaniard, and how you reacted when I threatened you with the Revelation. Only people with secrets worth keeping react that way. But that's cool. We've all got our secrets to keep.
The real problem cropped up when Pearl informed me that the Spaniard approached the Primogen wanting to know who the addict is in his city.
So I have no proof of what exactly you said, but you said "something" that endangered me, and Pearl, who is protecting me and trying to cure me. At this point she's in deep and will go down just as hard as I will if he finds out she's harboring me. Look. I know you got the hots for this guy, but for once in your un-life TRUST ME! Selling your friends out is not going to get you any closer to him. He's not taking you to his bed with each rumor and secret you sell him, is he? No. He is USING YOU. Please, Becky Lynn: open your eyes and understand who your true friends are.
I did something for you last night, even though I was pissed. I insisted Pearl not use you to make the blood vessels for me anymore. That was a hard sell, and I almost shot myself in the foot and cut all my vitae supply off. The thing is, she was willing to let you continue to supply me, and if things go south with me, let you take the hit with the Spaniard and the LS as the "supplier to the addict". Probably wouldn't look good on the old resume, would it? So I flat out refused to let you be used like that anymore. I had to lie and manipulate the situation a bit, but I love you too much to see that happen.
I hope that makes some sort of impact with you. Don't sell me out for your perceived gains in bed.
If you want him "that" bad, let me HELP YOU. First, you joined the wrong club. Priests don't bang nuns from their sanctified churches. Gross. He probably wants a little nasty on the side, if you get my drift. But you've got to do some homework and find out what does it for him, and become that. THINK like an alter-boy, Becky Lynn.

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