First, my apologies. I had to delete my previous entry as it was not appropriate, coming from a new representative of a Primogen. Whether or not it was my idea to be bonded to that Primogen. I have to remember to curb my temper. Count to 10 or catch hell. I think Miss Pearl is losing patience with my lovable "Tina-ness". Think before I open my mouth. Count to 10 or catch hell...
Anyway, let's just take a moment to analyze the psychosis that is Becky Lynn Adler, shall we?
Vidal: There is no way that creature is going to couple with a neonate like you. Sorry Cinderella. He may choose some blood dolls or blood wives to satisfy his need to sustain himself through his last moments before Torpor (trust me, it's coming, and soon) but if he were going to choose a consort to rule with, it would be a powerful elder that could reign with him on equal footing, don't you think?
Matheson: Hooo Boy. I distinctly remember the last, parting words you screeched to him as we left his hell-hole of a house in the swamp. "John Matheson, you are 'no' gentleman." Ouch. Just by your own requirements, how could you ever lower yourself to be around swamp-trash like that, considering the way he treated you before? Unless you're secretly into bad boys and being abused? If so, do tell!
Donnovan: Trust me on this one, darling – he's a player. I threw myself at him until I was scraping the floor and he was so not interested, until I walked out and lost interest in him. Then suddenly I was his number one goal. He wants what he can't have. If you play that game with him, you'll enjoy a short romp before he breaks your heart and kicks you to the curb. I know – he's a Daeva like me; just older and harder and colder. But maybe this turns on your masochistic side? If so, play through.
In the meantime, could one of you guys call Miss Pearl and ask if I could have visitors? I need to see someone or something besides her ghouls marching in and out and these four walls. Or, at least ask her if I could have a computer or a DVD or TV or something. A book? I'm losing my mind in here. Seriously.

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