- I submit to a Vinculum to someone more powerful than me. Someone that I can't easily manipulate, who can dole out a daily, controlled, measured dose of their vitae to me (like a methadone clinic) so I get the same amount every day and never allow my body to need more and more. Someone who can keep me on a very short leash so I'm not tempted to cheat. The very worst case (and ironic) scenario would be if I were assigned to a Lancea Santum member, and possibly required to submit to their cleansing rituals, or perhaps even required to join the LS and find God... Like I said, this would be a very severe way to go.
- I submit to an Invictus Blood Oath like "Blood Tell" or "Blood Knives". Blood Tell would show immediately if I had broken my promise to never take vitae again. Blood Knives would turn my blood to sharp shards and begin to kill me if I ever broke my promise. So either one would give my mentor some peace of mind that she had me under control and could trust me. Though I'm just not sure if these Oath incentives are strong enough to keep me from my liquid master. And then there is the problem that in order to take these Oaths, you must be a member of the Invictus, and right now my mentor is not too crazy about sponsoring me due to my addiction. Sort of a Catch-22.
- I find a Kallisti Kindred with knowledge of the Animus discipline. This power is able to take my addiction and turn it 180 degrees so I completely hate vitae and will rally against addiction like a preacher. It's a good, simple, seemingly flawless solution except that Kallisti with this discipline are very rare. And I don't know how long the effect lasts.
- I agree to attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings in New Orleans several times a week. It works for the humans, right? How hard can it "really" be to get over an addiction??
ha ha ha Even "I'm" not buying this one...
If none of these work, it's already been suggested to me that I'll simply be chained and staked to relieve me of my problem; a 25 year sentence of torpor will purify my blood enough to make my addiction manageable again. So if I have to take a torpor nap, I wonder what everyone else will be doing in 25 years?
Becky Lynn?
Still begging Daddy for favors? Still trying to get down Vidal's pants??
King of the world? More like CEO of his own Fortune 500, with enough ghouls and thralls to wait on him hand and foot. I bet he never leaves his haven again to find a meal... Can vampires become obese? I can't shake the image of Jabba the Hutt for some reason...
That's a hard one. He's either Newsweek's "Man of the Year" for cleaning up Storyville single-handed, or he's been left in a ditch for the sun to find, after a gang finally got tired of being harassed by him and ran him through with lead like a piece of Swiss cheese... Anyone taking bets? Jack McCandless; The world's most annoying vampire... ::sigh::

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