You were right. We can't meet at the Elysium (I must stay by Pearl's side all night or she will "set fire to me" -- her words, LOL), and this room I'm being kept in is being monitored closely. But I can write to you from my Blackberry, and receive emails back.
I won't lie. Pearl asked if I would talk with you one more time before she gives up on the 'Louis Maddox Project' entirely.
Regarding the Meeting Incident: Though the timing issue was meant to be a small test to demonstrate you have a genuine thirst to be involved with the Invictus, she said she would have compromised easily on it. What set her off was the report that you were being condescending to Darius...
Even though Darius is her retainer, he speaks for her. And if you disrespect him, you are disrespecting Pearl. The Invictus teaches us to have a superior attitude to the "help", which I mentioned, but she said absolutely no one disrespects "her" help. I reminded her we are neonates just being mentored and don't know all the subtleties, but she wasn't buying it. She wants to know how serious you really are about joining. She isn't convinced you are.
So Dude. It's time to put up, or shut up. If you want in, this is your free ride. You won't have a faster line up to the top. She "is" the top. And that means the least amount of time spent on the bottom. And believe me, everyone that joins spends time on the bottom, and it's not pretty. But that's the way the convenant works. You pay your dues, and you (hopefully) get paid off in the end when you're ruling the masses from your precipice. Taking advantage of this chick's offer to fast-track you is definitely in your best interest.
Between you and me, Pearl mentions you ALL the time and it annoys the fuck out of me. "Louis this" and "Louis that" and "Do you think you can get Louis on board?" and "Would Louis be willing to be involved?". It's crap! I'm doing my damndest to get noticed, and all she can do is talk about you. Louis, Louis, Louis! Louis, the Ventrue Over-Achiever!
I can't really say I'll shed any tears of blood if I can't talk you into calling Pearl for another meeting, which is what she wants me to do. Because if I don't, I'll have all her attention to myself without you hogging it up. And, I won't have to share the limelight with you during all the special projects she keeps mentioning that she wants us to partner on together. It's not like I can't handle them myself without some snotty Ventrue screwing them up anyway.
So, it's totally up to you Loui-cifer. But would you do me a favor? Give me a definitive answer, one way or the other, so she can either whine about the amazing candidate she's losing and move on, or build her Golden-Boy-Chosen-One a frickin' guest house stocked with blood dolls and 0- pints. I just don't get what she sees in you. She must have wanted a Ventrue son or something.
Can I get your answer before Elysium please. If that won't put you out too terribly much. Either decide to do it, or move on. If you do it, I promise you, there will never be a dull moment. And you will have a new sister that will always have your back. Despite the sibling rivalry. Come to the fun side Louis. The ruling class...
Life Affects Play
It happens to all of us. The chronicle gets derailed by a bunch of
real-world details. This player gets sick. That player’s got to go out of
town. Things g...
18 years ago
I have observed, from the ether, and I find it interesting, dear childe, how selective your memory is. Ahhh, but such is the way of the Kindred mind. Her Excellency Pearl has lavished you with many a compliment. She has endured much for you that you never see. She has openly told you that she sees a bright future for you. So why would you react so to any mention of Louis' name? Could it be - jealousy?
Me? Jealous? Of that self-delusional, power-hungry Ventrue Lordling? Mon Dieu! We were only embraced a few months ago, yet he's already showing classic signs of the Lords' paranoia, self-grandizing and all the other mental illness they are so infamous for. At this rate, he will meet his first Torpor before I even begin thinking about being jealous of him. No worries here.
No... I have plenty of more pressing matters to worry about. In my “bright future”.
Also, OOC: from "The Blood" pg 66
"Anything that threatens to come between the thrall and regnant will cause the thrall to experience powerful feelings of anger, jealousy, hatred and vengeance, as well as desperation, helplessness, shame and self-loathing. These latter emotions are usually conveniently buried beneath the others..."
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