Vampire: The Requiem, New Orleans
A journal of four individuals' mis-adventures in New Orleans
and how their lives became forever entangled one regretful night.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Highest Highs, Lowest Lows

I'll keep this short as I'm posting from my Blackberry. It's all I've been allowed communication-wise from my "prison cell". I'm grateful for it really, as I wasn't allowed anything at first...

It started out a really promising night. Even though I went to the lame NA meeting and it was totally bogus, I hit the Circle Bar and checked out "Pharmacist Always on Duty". They rocked. In between sets I hooked up with Ian -- he did a lot of crack (which I hooked him up with) and I got way high off his blood. I mean WAY high. So nothing was touching the ground when I met up with Pearl a couple hours later. It didn't stop the pain though when THE BITCH STAKED ME INTO TORPOR.

I was staked for at least 24, as far as I can tell. When they ripped the stake out, I was given a choice; Vinculum to Pearl, along with several other unpleasant conditions, or I could walk out and face the night on my own. Except now a Primogen knew the extent of my vitae addiction, so it would only be a short matter of time before it got back to the Prince. And then a short matter of time before my days were shortly numbered.

Who are we kidding? I didn't have a choice at all. I'm now in vinculum to the lovely and talented Pearl Chastain. My life is about to change in a big, big way. But the scary truth is, I still couldn't stop myself from drinking my own blood when they left me alone in here...

I just... can't... stop...

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