Vampire: The Requiem, New Orleans
A journal of four individuals' mis-adventures in New Orleans
and how their lives became forever entangled one regretful night.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I can't take this anymore! I'm absolutely freaking out. I'm so sick I can't hold down the crap human blood they're feeding me. I'm throwing it up everywhere. I've got the shakes; I'm so cold and so utterly sick. I'm dizzy and the room is spinning around my bed, and my muscles are cramped up so bad, all I want to do is die.

And I know how I can make myself feel good again. It's so simple. It's as easy as walking out that door and getting what I need.

The next ghoul that ventures in, I'm going to make a break for it. I'll call Pearl later and apologize. Just let her know that things didn't work out as planned and I had to be on my way. She'll understand.


Vampire Master said...

Tina, dear childe. This is your conscience speaking. Pearl has gone way out on a limb for you. She has taken huge chances to help you because she sees a future for you. But she is at her limit. Making a break for it would be tantamount to sunbathing.

You adore her. She is everything to you. You can't bear the thought of her ire. Somewhere - deep down in that rotting soul of yours - you know she has your best interests at heart . . .

Christiaen said...

I do love her. I do!
But she is killing me... How can she do this to me? She knows I need it. She has it. Why can't she give it to me? She must hate me and want to see me tortured, suffering and meeting the final death.

I love her so much. Why is she so cruel to me?