Vampire: The Requiem, New Orleans
A journal of four individuals' mis-adventures in New Orleans
and how their lives became forever entangled one regretful night.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

You poor souls!

You poor souls. If only you would come over to Lancea Sanctum. You would then truly understand why God made us into vampires. You focus too much on the petty things and get so riled up. First of all....I do love Vidal. God owns my unlife, but Vidal owns my blood and heart. As far as John Mathison is concerned....He needs to learn how to be a true gentleman and not the monster that he is! Yes, I am picky with my food. You are what you eat. They need to be at least a 9.5 to be fit for my likeing.

Tina, there is no need to be jealous. You are very pretty too, otherwise I wouldn't have fed off of you. You are definitly a 10, just not a 11+ like myself. However, your begging and whining is bringing you down a notch on my scale. Pearl has really gotten to you. I definitly miss my BFF!

Louis dear, keeping secrets is not nice. I can tell. I'm really good at reading people. I don't know what your up to, but please keep yourself out of trouble. Your researching abilities would be a perfect fir for Lancea Sanctum. We always need keepers and records of our history. Just think about it. You can still be saved!

Jack, Jack, Jack! What am I going to do with you! You need to stop tormenting yourself with your food. Our job is to keep them fearful of life, so that they look to God for salvation. To us, they are a job and our food. Nothing else! Snap out of it...your human life is OVER! You are now a night dweller, act like it. Our unlife does have a purpose. I know you too believe in God, like myself. Come be with the sanctified.

I love you all!
Hugs and Kisses!

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