Vampire: The Requiem, New Orleans
A journal of four individuals' mis-adventures in New Orleans
and how their lives became forever entangled one regretful night.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Well Fooy!

First of all....I told Vidal NOTHING! Don't you think if I had, then he would of come after you instead of asking Pearl who it was? He might of read into what I was saying though. I never mentioned you or even that I know someone who is blood addicted. HOWEVER....I did mention that I was concerned about myself and asked if there was anything that could help? Then I asked that if there were something, if it was only for Lancea Sanctum members. So...if he went straight to Peal, I don't know what to tell ya. As it is...I might get in trouble for telling you that much! I am NOT ratting you out, only trying to help you. I would not get in trouble for giving you vessels because Vidal trusts Pearl and she wanted me to do this for you. You are on th road to recovery according to her. Though I appreciate you worrying about me. I am also not being used. I am Lancea Sanctum, and am acting like one. Just like you are TOTALLY changing for your little Pearly Poo.


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